Major concerns exist regarding the potential hazardous impacts of Industrial Wind Turbines on the people and places of Southwestern Wisconsin.
A Canadian-owned corporation, Pattern LLC, is seeking signed lease contracts with landowners to construct at least 170 IWTs across Iowa and Lafayette Counties. In Grant County, at least 42 IWTs are planned by Allete. Invenergy announced up to 31 IWTs in Iowa County. The turbines they plan to install and own could be as large as and as powerful as the 5.6 MW type only used far offshore in ocean settings.

Productive lands now dotted with family farms, rural residences, cottage businesses, and small towns will be over-run by huge towers, taller than any building in Wisconsin. There are known severe, negative impacts on wildlife, local climate, property values, tax bases, tourism, and housing and business development.
Serious health concerns include audible turbine noise and inaudible infrasound (a powerful energy pulse) from large turbines that can cause disrupted sleep, headaches, an inability to concentrate, fatigue and other issues.
The current-2014 Wisconsin Industrial Wind Turbine setback of 1250 feet from homes and schools is not adequate. Madison County, IA increased its setbacks to 1.5 miles or 7920 ft., more that 6 times Wisconsin’s setback. Gage County, NE created 3-mile setbacks from schools and villages, more than 12 times Wisconsin’s minimum setback. Why is this not happening here. Wisconsin legislators must enforce the laws they created in 2009 or return the updating of Wind siting rules for IWTs back to our local communities.

Please download an information packet for a more in depth view of Pattern LLC’s plan and the potential impact on our beloved Uplands landscape and community.

More information on public health and safety in reference to the effects of wind turbines here. Also visit and